
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Lucy's Favorite Green Monster Smoothie

I first made a "green smoothie" a few years ago when Matthew was about a year old. It had peanut butter, bananas, and, of course, spinach in it. It wasn't so much green as a sludgy, grayish-brown color. It was not good. Paul took one sip and just about threw up. He still tells people about the time I tried to poison him with my "salad smoothie". Because of this, I stepped away from the blender and never joined the green-smoothie making craze.

Now, as an owner of a powerful Vitamix blender, I decided to give one of the green smoothies from the Vitamix recipe book a try and I fell in love. So refreshing! So healthy! I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved it. I was greedily slurping down my smoothie, when I suddenly became aware of a tiny little person, not quite two-and-a-half feet tall, flapping her arms wildly while hooting like an owl in an attempt to get my attention. Lucy saw me enjoying that drink and wanted a taste of it herself. I gave her a spoonful and she gulped it down, then froze every muscle in her body as she processed the taste and temperature of this unexpected treat, and then smiled and greedily demanded more. And more. And more. Pretty soon, tiny little Lucy had drank half my smoothie. My other two little wards were a little too turned off by the flavor to give it a go, but Lucy was hooked. I made this smoothie again the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that (there was a huge sale on grapes and oranges so I had plenty of materials). Each time I brought out the blender to make this, Lucy would get very excited in gleeful anticipation of her new favorite drink.

This is a fantastic green smoothie and the only one that I have truly loved. You really do not notice the spinach at all and the sheer variety and amount of fruits in the mixture make a very refreshing, energizing drink. I have been drinking this immediately following my workouts and I believe it has been instrumental in helping my body recover and hydrate after an intense sweat session. I love how great I feel after drinking a huge glassful! Plus, I'm really enjoying my new afternoon tradition of splitting a smoothie with my baby.

Lucy finds the drink energizing as well.

If you have also been a bit skeptical about green smoothies in the past, I think this one could possibly change your mind!

Green Monster Smoothie
adapted from the Vitamix Recipe Book

1 frozen ripe banana
1 cup fresh sliced pineapple
1 1/2 cups red or green grapes (the green grapes will give you a more vibrant green color)
1 orange, peeled
1/8 teaspoon lime zest (optional, but good)
1 1/2 cups spinach
2 tablespoons honey, sugar, or agave (I never add this - it's sweet enough)
1 cup ice

Add all ingredients in the order listed. Blend until smooth. Pour into chilled glasses or, if you're a baby, a cup with a tight-fitting lid. Your floor will thank you.


  1. Lucy puts me to shame. I am so scared of green smoothies and never gave any a chance. Well, Lucy (and you, of course!) have convinced me that I should give this Green Monster Smoothie a go!

  2. I've never thought to put grapes in a smoothie! I might have to try this and hopefully forget between making it and drinking that there is spinach...

  3. I make variations on a green smoothie pretty frequently, but the 2 year old was never interested. Until I told him it was "Hulk Juice." Now he can't drink it fast enough! 😂

  4. I make variations on a green smoothie pretty frequently, but the 2 year old was never interested. Until I told him it was "Hulk Juice." Now he can't drink it fast enough! 😂
