
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Christmas Exit Interviews

Matthew is back in school, Paul is back at work, and we'll be taking down all our Christmas decorations this weekend. Looking back over the past couple of weeks, I have to say that this has been one of the happiest Christmas seasons I have ever had. I loved sharing in the wonder of the season with my little cherubs and really enjoyed cutting back on some of the stress of preparations and focusing on just being present with my kids. Because really, that's truly the greatest gift I can give them.

On the gift side, the kids were spoiled. From "Santa" (or Mom and Dad), Matthew got a couple different LEGO sets, a slot car set, some books he wanted, and a few new games. Emma received lots of new sparkly skirts, her Hello Kitty winter hat, a stroller for her baby dolls, headbands, bracelets, and a necklace. She also received a new jewelry box with a twirling ballerina. She often winds it up, sets it on the floor, and then twirls along with the ballerina figure. It's pretty cute. Paul made out with some new winter boots, a giant 25 pound slab of Himalayan Pink Sea Salt (don't ask me...he wanted it), fleece-lined jeans, a Chick-fil-a Cow Calendar (that was the kids' idea), and this book. Oh, and he also got about 30 pounds of his favorite hard-to-find candy: Chicken Feet! My husband refuses to grow up.

Paul got me a new winter coat (which I love!), some more Polish pottery pieces, and an iPhone 6. I have now finally retired my 15-year-old flip phone and entered the world of smartphones. I sent my first text message ever the day after Christmas. I'm hooked.

To close out the Christmas season, I conducted a short interview with Matthew and Emma to collect their thoughts on our holiday together.

Christmas Eve dinner. Emma was napping on our bed and missed the seafood dinner.
She had scrambled eggs and eggnog later and was perfectly fine with that, especially since we
lit a little taper candle so she could have a "candlelit dinner" all by herself.

What was your favorite part about Christmas?

Matthew: When I came downstairs and saw that Santa ate his cookie.
Emma: I not know.

(At this point, I began to question whether this was a good idea or not...but we persevered)

What is your favorite Christmas Song?

Matthew: Santa Clause is Coming to Town
Emma: The Grinch song!

What was your favorite present?

Matthew: Legos!
Emma: My Elsa doll and my Ariel doll!

What was your favorite cookie?

Matthew: Gingerbread men!
Emma: Cedric! (her decorated sugar cookie)

What was your favorite Christmas Story?

Matthew: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Emma: Lily! (Not a Christmas book, but a current favorite)

What was the best gift that you gave to someone this Christmas?

Matthew: My little pony "Pinky Pie" that I gave to Emma. And the puff ball snowman I gave Lucy.
Emma: The LEGO watch for Matthew.

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

Matthew: Playing in the snow with Emma
Emma: Playing with my Hello Kitty hat! (ok....)

What was the best food you ate for Christmas time?

Matthew: Shrimp and Seafood on Christmas Eve.
Emma: Crackers.

What was your favorite part about midnight Mass? (They loved going this year)

Matthew: Seeing the Baby Jesus in the manger at the end.
Emma: The lights, the candles, and JOY TO THE WORLD!!

Cooperation for photo sitting is always indirectly proportional to age.


  1. I loved the exit interview!!! Your children are so adorable!!! Emma's little responses are hilarious! It just goes to show how children appreciate the simple things!

  2. I loved this! Merry Christmas, Nistlers! And welcome to the smart phone world. I can't believe your flip phone lasted that long!
