
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you! May the peace, love, and joy of the Christ child, the greatest of all gifts, be with you and your family in the New Year. Enjoy these days of celebration together - we certainly are!

I snapped photos of each member of the family as I prepared them for midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. I knew we were never going to get a group photo that night once everyone was ready since it was so late and everyone was tired.

First, I snapped photos of Lucy after dressing her around 9:30 pm. She really didn't want to smile since she was so tired. She was fast asleep about 10 minute later and didn't wake up until around 3:00 AM. 

Matthew was next after he was dressed and ready by 10:45 pm. I had to tell him a joke to get him to smile sweetly.

Followed by Emma around 11:15 pm...

Paul and I took a quick selfie in the wee hours of the morning, completely exhausted but happy and excited! Merry Christmas!!

And just one more of my littlest angel because she is just so cute and chubby! She was trying to figure out how to eat the Christmas tree ornaments. I love this age!

1 comment:

  1. Your midnight Mass is actually at midnight? Ours is 10pm now which I admit I rather like. How did the kids do? Luke was about as good as could be expected that late!
