
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Want to Know What 42 Weeks Pregnant Looks Like?

I am large and so very not-in-charge! At least not in charge of this pregnancy because if I had my way, I would have delivered a couple weeks ago. In the meantime, baby girl is still sitting pretty in her snuggly little space. This is what I get for being such a good baby vessel.

I scheduled an induction for earlier this week and then chickened out because I hate pitocin and medically speaking there was no reason to induce. I'd rather things start as naturally as possible. So, I'm trying not to complain too much about my misery (heartburn, tiny feet in my rib cage, the inability to tie my shoes, crouching down to pick up a toy and then getting stuck and requiring Paul to rescue me...the normal stuff) because I could have ended it if I wanted to!

Come Out Soon!!!

In the meantime, meals have been quick and easy because Paul and I have been on edge that any day could be the day for a while now. Here is a meal we made the other day that was awesome. I failed to snap a picture of it because I sat down to eat, saw my camera staring at me from the living room, and then decided the walk was too far for my tired, swollen, feet to waddle over and retrieve. But, I'm not complaining.

And here's a photo of my hugeness from earlier today for posterity. Or enormity.

And my little headaches...

Asparagus Carbonara
from Confections of a Foodie Bride

8 ounces spaghetti
1 tsp olive oil
4 slices of bacon, cut into cubes
3/4 tsp fresh ground black pepper (less if you are black pepper-intolerant like Paul)
1 large bunch asparagus (~1.25lb)
1 egg
1 egg yolk
2/3 cup grated Parmesan, plus more for garnish

Bring a large pot full of 4 quarts of water to a boil. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and stir. Add the pasta and cook according to package directions for al dente.

While the pasta cooks, trim the woody ends from the asparagus. Heat the olive oil in a cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add the bacon pieces and cook the bacon pieces until crisp. Remove the bacon from the grease with a slotted spoon and let drain. Add the asparagus to the hot grease and cook until fork tender (about 5 minutes).

Drain the pasta, reserving 3/4 cup of pasta water before draining.

Whisk together the egg, yolk, 2/3 cup Parmesan, and 1/4 cup of the hot pasta water (splash the pasta water in gradually to temper the eggs). Add the drained pasta, the asparagus and bacon grease (deglaze with a bit of the pasta water to get all that salty bacon grease into the pasta), and black pepper. Toss well, adjusting the consistency with splashes of reserved pasta water to create a creamy sauce. Serve hot, topped with extra Parmesan!


  1. 42 weeks pregnant looks beautiful! :) We are praying that Lucy decides to come soon!!!

    1. Thanks for the prayers Cassandra! The end is the hardest part because of the waiting!

  2. You still look fantastic!! Good luck!!

  3. You look beautiful Monica! You have that wonderful baby glow. Love you

    1. That baby glow might just be the perspiration reflecting off my face from carrying around that extra 20 pounds in my torso!! But thank you Ali! Love you too!

  4. You could easily be a model with your good looks. Your pregnancy has only made you more beautiful. The very best to you and Paul and your family!
