
Monday, January 6, 2014

Long Overdue Highlights from Christmas Day

The Christmas season is nearly gone and I can hardly believe it. Each year, it seems to pass by more quickly - probably a sign that we enjoy ourselves immensely each time! This Christmas season has been one of the best yet. It was so wonderful watching Matthew's impatient anticipation of Christmas Day - and not only for the presents under the tree - but also the arrival of Baby Jesus in the Nativity scene at our church.

We attended Midnight Mass as a family and both Paul and I were astonished at how well behaved both children were. There was hardly a peep out of either one. Matthew was awake the whole time, listening careful and joining in with the singing whenever he recognized the song. He was absolutely gleeful when our pastor paraded the Baby Jesus around the church while the congregation sang "Silent Night" before carefully placed him in the manger situated in front of the altar.

The hand print "Santa Cat" ornaments Emma, Matthew, and I made the week before Christmas.

Upon our return home, we enjoyed snack of eggnog and cookies (not the most appetizing thing at 2:30 in the morning!) and then got both kiddos down to bed by 3:30 AM. A late night for sure. Of course, this in no way affected their normal wake-up time, for bright and early at 7:00 AM, Matthew came parading in to our bedroom announcing his deep and urgent need for his morning sustenance. The fact that it was Christmas morning had escaped him.

"What day is it today?" Paul asked him enthusiastically.
"What day is it, Daddy?"
"You tell me, Matthew! What day is it today?" Paul tried again.
"It's Easter morning!"

Well, we never said he was smart.

Upon finally  making it downstairs, Matthew was stoked to see all the presents under the tree. Then everything seemed to finally connect and he began dancing around chanting that it was Christmas Day. Presents were opened much more quickly than in years past and each one was met with enthusiasm. Baby Emma of course just tried to eat the wrapping paper.

Both children were thrilled with their gifts. The only downside to the whole day was the tiny bit of fighting that did ensue (mainly when Emma would touch, drool upon, or look at one of Matthew's new toys...we have to break him of this new uber-possessive phase of his!).

The popcorn tin was certainly a hit. In between playing with their new toys, both kids would stop for a
quick snack. Emma preferred the Caramel Corn while Matthew hogged the White Cheddar.

Matthew's favorite gift were the Buzz Lightyear and Woody dolls. Whenever he is at a friend's house for a playdate, these are the toys he inevitably finds and plays with the whole time. Getting him a set of his own seemed like a no-brainer. As he went to sleep that night, he cuddled in with his monkey, Buzz, and Woody, and told me: "Thank you, Mommy, for my Buzz and Woody." And we thought Santa would get all the credit.

This is one happy kid.

 Paul's major gift was a Burley bike trailer so he can haul the kids around for me when we go on bike rides this summer. My very own beast of burden. He didn't seem to mind that his Christmas gift renders him a glorified pack-mule.

Matthew loved testing the Burley out! In fact, he wanted to eat lunch, sleep, and play in it.
When we wanted some peace and quiet, we just strapped Matthew into the trailer with a couple of good books,
wheeled him into the living room, and then just let him be while we relaxed in the family room.
We are wonderful parents.
We spent the whole day playing and relaxing together as a family. It was awesome to have nothing to do and nowhere to go. It enabled us to just spend the time enjoying these precious moments as a family. For me, that was the best part of the whole day.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, dear readers!


  1. Monica, I absolutely love reading your blog posts! They always make me smile! Your children are so precious! I wish we lived closer so we could see each other--I think Mary & Matthew would get along quite well, haha. Merry Christmas to all of you! (Oh and thanks for posting that amazing recipe for the cranberry blondie bars...they were a huge hit at my family's Christmas party!)

  2. I know this is going to sound pretty stalkerish but just last night I was thinking how you hadn't posted in awhile and was wondering how your Christmas was. Your children are lovely! Emma always seems so much older than Luke even though I think she only has him by a few days. I too wish we lived closer for some playdates!!
