
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Five Favorites: Baby Emma Edition

I decided to start a series on this blog highlighting the favorite things of each family member. This is just a fun way to tell a few interesting facts about each person in an attempt to help you, dear readers, get to know each of us a little better.

I will be linking up with other bloggers sharing their five favorites over at Moxie Wife.

Today, I want to start with the youngest member of the family: Baby Emma! Currently, Baby Emma's five favorite things are...

1) Ceiling Fans. She cannot get enough of them. If you ever want to get some work done around the house, you simply lie her down on the bed and turn the ceiling fan on for her to stare at, laugh at, and study away to her heart's content. If you really want her to get excited, you could turn it up to the highest setting. Paaarty!

2) Our Ergo Baby Carrier. What's better than being cozily smashed up against Mom for the duration of a long hike or a quick trip to the grocery store? In this baby girl's opinion, being carted around in this thing is an optimal time to take a snooze.

3) The Great Outdoors. If Ms. Emma is ever being super fussy, taking her for a stroll outside instantly calms her nerves and melts away any previous anxiety. She loves to look at the bright colors and feel the warm breeze. She also likes to try to look at the sun (AHH NO!), but luckily we have a handy pair of baby sunglasses for her to wear.

4) Bathtime. When Matthew was a baby, bathtime was cause for great weeping, flailing, and torturous screaming.  Emma, on the other hand, laughs whenever she is being bathed. She loves the feeling of the wet washcloth running through her hair. Crazy, crazy little girl.

5) Her Daddy. Whenever Emma hears Paul's voice, she instantly whips around in an attempt to see him. As soon as his face pops into view, she always gives him the biggest smiles and loudest coos (even if she had just been screaming her head off!). Her biggest smiles are always for him. It's so not fair. He did not birth her...Mommy can't even distract her from the beloved ceiling fan (see #1).


  1. Auuuwwww......isn't she adorable!!!! Monica, pictures of Emma and your accompanying story really put a smile on my face. I was kinda depressed this morning, so thanks for cheering me up :)

  2. ohh, Baby Emma looks so cute:)
    And let's be honest, her favorites are also pretty cool:)
    Many greetings to Babay Emma from Hamburg, Germany

    Yasemin from
