
Tuesday, April 3, 2018


My, my it has been a while! I really don't have any recent excuse as to why I haven't been blogging regularly over the past month. Life finally slowed down just a bit and I really have had every opportunity to continue recording our family's adventures, especially since we have had so many as of late, but for some reason I have been hesitant to do so because sometimes it is difficult to pick up a hobby after such a long hiatus.

I don't even know where to begin. Since I last posted, I was complaining about my broken foot. Well, that has since healed beautifully and I have very much enjoyed getting back to my regular physical activity.

We also moved across the country, trading in our views of the Great Lakes for the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Quite the transition - particularly the high altitude - but it has been a good one overall. This winter we have experienced a remarkable amount of sunshine compared to what we are used to and the weather has been consistently beautiful. My biggest fear has been adjusting some of my favorite baking recipes for the higher elevation. So far, I've had only success with the adjustments I've made!

The first couple months of the new year were consumed with moving all of our junk across country and getting everything situated in our new home. The transition was not as difficult as I envisioned thanks to the help of a couple of my brothers-in-law who showed up to assist with assembling furniture and carrying heavy boxes for me, the 30+ weeks-pregnant-welp who only recently finally got off crutches.

And speaking of pregnant...yes, I'm still pregnant. Currently, my time is consumed with waiting for this 4th child of mine to be born. Just like his siblings before him, this little guy has allowed his due date to slip past us, meaning that I am increasingly more uncomfortable by the day. I cry, I whine, and I drive my poor husband crazy with my hormonal mood swings. But he's largely responsible for my misery, so I guess he deserves it. I jest! (Sort of).

With a Good Friday due date and a pregnancy that has been quite a bit more uncomfortable than my previous ones, we were half expecting not to be around on Easter Sunday. However, after the due date came and went, we managed to distract ourselves with the usual festivities of egg hunting, egg dying, viewings of Jesus of Nazareth, and preparing some simple dishes for Easter dinner. I even managed to go on a very long walk with the dog despite the pain I've been experiencing in my hips. Nevermind the fact that I wandered a few miles away from home and then suddenly had a lot of trouble walking back...

So, that is that. Hopefully the next time I check in, it will be with a chunky little newborn in my arms.